Articles, Media and Interviews

There are many news articles, interviews, videos and short movies about Khandro Thrinlay Chodon and Khachodling. We have made a number of these available for you to watch and explore below.

Articles about Khandro Thrinlay Chodon and her heritage

Khandro Thrinlay Chodon with H.H. the 12th Galwang Drukpa
“A Living Yogini”
An interview with Khandro Thrinlay Chodon published in the November 2007 issue of “Dragon” magazine…

Articles revealing glimpses of Khandro Thrinlay Chodon and her work.

From Indian magazines and media:

From Hong Kong magazines and media:

From Australian magazines and media:

Radio and Video Interviews with Khandro Thrinlay Chodon

Khandro Rinpoche is interviewed by Tsering on the "Living is Dying” programmme
‘Living is Dying’ – Interview with Khandro Thrinlay Chodon
In this Khandro Rinpoche is interviewed by Tsering on the “Living is Dying” programmme run by Siddhartha’s Intent. Khandro Rinpoche talks about her experiences of loss and answers questions from the Buddhist perspective on this importnat topic. The intervoiew was held on 11th July 2023.
Introducing Khandro Thrinlay Chodon
An interview by 2019 Perth Conscious Living organiser, Patricia Hamilton – who asks about Khandro-la’s upbringing, her teaching and Khachodling work as well as her perspective of the divine feminine.

Media in languages other than English

Khachodling Movies

HH Dalai Lama and Khandro Thrinlay Chodon
Happy Losar, Water Tiger, 2022
Happy lunar new year of the Water Tiger! In this year of strengthening and clearing, may we each have the courage to connect and live from our heart of compassion.
Nomadic Eyes
Nomadic Eyes
Khachodling’s eye projects with the nomadic peoples of Tsomoriri. 10 mins.
Flower from your heart
Flower from the Heart
Khachodling’s mentoring and education project for Himalayan children, particularly about their education on Sunday’s at Khandro Thrinlay Chodon’s home in Manali. 10 mins.

Himalayan Projects (HCEF)

Glimpses of some projects as well as two in depth interviews about Khachodling’s dharma hub at Khandro Thrinlay Chodon’s home in Manali. 

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