The Story of Khandro Thrinlay Chodon
From the April 2017 issue of Indian Beauty Magazine “LAUNCHPAD”
A spiritual master, mystic and Vajrayana Buddhist – Khandro-la or Khandro Thrinlay Chodon is all and none of these. She doesn’t like boxes or definitions, as she believes in the INFINITE! Having attended her workshop on meditation and feminine essence, I came across, for the first time, an inner experience that felt authentic and it stirred me to my deepest core.
Khandro Thrinlay Chodon belongs to a lineage of authentic Meditation Masters, and this includes her greatgrandfather Togden Shakya Shri and father Apho Rinpoche. Her maternal bloodline belongs to Lonpo Gar, a minister of the first Tibetan Emperor Songtsen Gampo (604–50). The authenticity of her lineage is believed to be pristine and very precious and in this era it is manifesting through her female embodiment.