Give inspiring, meaningful gifts

Send a meaningful gift to someone special.
When we offer a gift from the heart a pure joy naturally arises. This is the beginning of a beautiful circle of interchange and connection with others. By extending an offering like this, we can create a natural flow of giving and receiving.
A time of year to celebrate giving and receiving.
At this time of year we may start getting excited about giving and receiving gifts. We can get caught up in the anticipation of a surprise or take pleasure in seeing the faces of our loved ones light up with joy.
Whatever spiritual view or religion we may follow, we all wish for happiness and meaning in our lives. We observe special days such as Christmas, Losar and Lhabab Duchen to gather together with the people we care for, and make connections by exchanging gifts, love and gratitude or sharing a meal together.
What better way to mark the end of the year than giving a gift that creates positive imprints and social change?
Do you remember the gifts you gave and received last year? Did their meaning have an impact? This year you have the opportunity to offer a gift to your friends and loved ones that creates positive change to Himalayan people in need who are living in remote locations.
Choose your Meaningful Gift
Meaningful Gift: Light offerings
Meaningful Gift: Medical Supplies & Services
Meaningful Gift: ‘Five Element’ Community Garden
Meaningful Gift: Winter Supplies for Remote Hermitages
Meaningful Gift: Education Scholarship Primary
Meaningful Gift: Education Scholarship Boarding school
Meaningful Gift: Vajrayogini statue
Meaningful Gift: Sustainable building repairs
Choose a Physical or Digital Gift Card

After checkout, you’ll receive a beautiful e-card to download and share with someone special.
Or select the option for a physical card to be posted to you or direct to the recipient.
These meaningful gifts and digital cards are perfect for last-minute gift solutions.