The sacred place in Sani includes one of the oldest stupas in the entire Himalayan region – Kanishka stupa built in the 2nd century.
In urgent need of restoration Khandro Rinpoche in mid 2024 urgently sought supporters for the completion of this important project – to restore and protect this ancient Kanishta stupa. Sey Jigme and Sey Jampal, (Shakya Shri lineage holders and brothers to Khandro Rinpoche) immediately became the main sponsors. Now, to increase the collective merit of this world, Khachodling supporters are invited to join this cause for the benefit of all beings.
The renovation aims to preserve the ancient traditional structure as much as possible. Restoring the simplicity and purity of the centuries old stupa keeps the intention and continuity of its ancient blessings intact. It will be protected to continue as a recognised sacred site and a special place of tantric practice. The stupa, charnel grounds and gompa will also be preserved and protected as tourism increases in the region.
We invite you all to join and support this endeavor and gain merits in collective karma! This is not only a great opportunity to protect and preserve this ancient sacred site, it is also a unique way of connecting to all the past Great Masters!
About the Kanishka Stupa
The Kanishka Stupa encloses a scared ancient chorten which was said to be built by Kanishka, an emperor of the Kushan empire in the 2nd century. The Buddhist emperor was said to be following the example of King Ashoka who built stupas throughout his kingdom to spread the Buddha’s teachings. Kanishka stupa stands approximately 6 m (20 ft) high and is an unusual egg shape. Stupas are a Buddhist symbol of the nature of the mind. This one in Zanskar appropriately stands next to one of the eight Great Charnel Grounds (very sacred burial area ideal for practice).
Many great masters meditated at this site. Sani is where Naropa flew up into the sky upon attaining enlightenment. He lived in a small hut facing the stupa where he practiced and taught the locals for several years. When it was time for him to leave, the people sincerely begged him to stay. Naropa took out a golden Vajradhara statue from the hair knot on his crown and said:
There is no difference between Vajradhara and me. Venerate this statue of Vajradhara just as you are venerating me, and you will get the same blessing.
Naropa then handed over the statue to the local people and flew into the sky. This same statue is kept at the heart of a Naropa statue in a special room and is unveiled once a year in late July amidst a huge community festival. Rigdzil (holy relics) can be seen to have appeared around the statue each year! Sey Jigme and the Khachodling team have previously sponsored the statue’s safe keeping in a special protected casing.
Squeezed between the main building of Sani Gompa and the Kanishka Stupa is a small room where Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) in his manifestation as Guru Loden Choksé, meditated for five years.
Sani Gompa has beautiful ancient frescos depicting the life of Padmasambhava.
Meritorious Offerings
Offering, when made with a pure heart, is a uniquely powerful way to generate limitless virtuous karma and to benefit all beings in this suffering world. In this case you will honour great lineage Masters whose perfect qualities continue to impact us and our planet.
You may wish to forward this to your family and friends. All are welcome to contribute.
Building work has already commenced