You can launch your very own fundraising campaign to benefit the activities of Khachodling in the Himalayas, by adding a Donate button to your Facebook post. The registered charity of Khachodling Ltd is connected and verified through the secure Facebook Paypal Giving program, so you can rest assured that every dollar raised from your post, comes directly to Khachodling.
Follow these steps to create your fundraising post:
- Log into your Facebook account and click within your feed to ‘Create a new Post’. A regular blank post window will appear.
- In the ‘Add to your post’ options, click the 3-dot menu that is highlighted in pink in the below image.
3. Select the option ‘Raise Money’ from the window and a new screen will display. From this screen, type in “Khacholding” in the search bar at the top and select the option “Khachodling Limited” below. You have now linked your post to the Khachodling.
4. Write a message in your post about your fundraiser and click “Post” to publish your post. Your new post will appear at the top of your Facebook Newsfeed.
How do my Facebook Friends donate?
When your Facebook Friends see your post, they can click the ‘Donate’ button which launches a pop up window. Your friends can choose their payment option and donate securely through the Facebook app.