Rinchen Lamo

Rinchen Lamo

Birthday: 12 July 1996
Commenced with Khachodling: 2009
Father: lives in the Pangi region.
Mother: Passed away.
Lives: ’Kyibuk’, Delhi
School: Short Courses in Delhi (English Language & Beauty Therapy) // Class: Tertiary studies

“I am so lucky to be under the care and guidance of Khandro Rinpoche.”

My name is Rinchen Lamo. I am 20 years old and from the Pangi region in the high Himalayas. There are three members in my family – my father, my brother and me. My father is a farmer and does some seasonal trekking work, but it is not very often or much money. 

When I was only 14 my mother suddenly passed away. She was electrocuted by a loose wire she thought was a washing line. It happened so quickly and my family was very sad. 

At that time my father, who had great faith in Khandro Rinpoche, took me to her and she promised to always care for me. Until this day she has kept her promise, she said to me “I am like your mother”. I am always grateful for Rinpoche’s great kindness and support to my life. 

Through the support from Khachodling I went to Delhi to do English language courses. First beginner then intermediate courses. I am very thankful to Khandro Rinpoche because she feels that I can achieve things in my life. Thanks for Khandro Rinpoche, her brother Jampal Rimpoche and Jane-mam. I am very, very thankful to Khachodling Trust and all the supporters. 

Right now I am living at Khachodling’s ‘Shakya Shri Himalayan Home for Spiritual and Cultural Development’ in Delhi. We call it “Kyibuk’ which means “happy cave”. I am so lucky to be under the care and guidance of Khandro Rinpoche. 

I am studying further English right now and wish to continue to learn more administration skills too. I hope then I can work and assist the Khachodling organisation in the future.”

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